Abarikiwe! Akothee praised after donating food to hunger stricken Kenyans in Turkana

Piece by: Caren Nyota

Kenyan singer Akothee has the entire nation praising her after she helped hunger-stricken people of Turkana county.

More than 10 deaths linked to drought have been reported in the past week. Akothee started a pay bill number calling upon her fans and well-wishers to help her feed the hunger-stricken Kenyans.

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Madam boss, as she is popularly known left for Turkana on Friday, where she's still putting smiles on faces of the affected people.

In one of her posts, Akothee revealed that she schooled in Turkana, where her dad used to work.

I was raised here , I went to school here, my dad was an administrator we lived in Kakuma and schooled in Turkwel girls , I have a personal relationship with Trukana, I have just come home to my people, with gifts from my fans, my dad adopted a girlchild from here , she is doing very well and have an organized life, she was my best friend in school but a total orphan , and the story continues..

DP Ruto refuted claims that several people have lost their lives following the current drought situation. After setting eyes on some of those affected by hunger, Akothee said that this was an insensitive case.

I have been doing charity All my life, and it would be very insensitive of me not visit Turkana, I am not here to prove anything, but to bring hope and good news to our people, let them know we care & that the whole world is with us, we can always find a solution, lets see solutions and not problems.

We have just brought our contributions as TeamAkothee to top up on what the Government is already doing, we are generous and so sharing is caring. We shall work hand in hand with the people and the government to see how we can improve our country, not only Turkana but also other affected areas , we are simply giving back to the community, just like I visit Kisumu, Kisii Mombasa and other areas, for the first time, my fans asked for pay bill, my fans are aware of who is handling their contribution and that they could also give a hand & support including those who are far and outside the country! I am fully aware that I am responsible for each and every single cent contributed towards Turkana, we appreciate the Government for work done, thank you for welcoming us in Turkana.'

Below are photos of Akothee distributing food to affected people.

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Kenyans have praised Akothee, who's the only artiste to come out and help her countrypeople for her kindness and below are some of their comments:

Pauline Raphael This pic stands it all. A thousand words in it. The simplicity and the heartedness made her be who she is today.........comfortability ni kufanana nao. Peace in heart.

Janet Mbugua Akothee, I even said this in my upcoming vlog. You're a true leader. And doer. Favor upon you.

Anita Soina @AkotheeKenya doing something to rescue what our government calls fake news. In this case she becomes a role model to one @EzekielMutua. Good work Madam Boss

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Kym Fake deep aside. This #Akothee story has clearly painted the picture of the society that we live in. Judgemental, hypocritical, mean, two-sided. Name it all.

Willys Mark Abiero You were meant to be a Philanthropic Akothee but God wanted you to be a giver not taker and so he blessed your voice so that you may sing to give... Amen

Ben Okinyi God bless you Akoth

George Mbiji Amazingly philanthropic! Extend from being single mother's President to all singles.

Omosh Ken Good job madam Boss

Simon Wachira This lady, as unconventional as she is, is a 'disruptor' of our times. You may not like her but you cannot ignore her!#Akothee

Mike Flava So just like that, #Akothee embarrassed government deniers. shown church folk that it's not how often you go to church but instead what's in your heart, highlighted that the @KenyaRedCross is ill and that one person can make a difference. She's the #AfricaWeWantToSee #Turkana❤️

Maliq So #akothee is a musician and Ruto is the dp🤔 let that sink in!!

Tanykuut Since we are a failed state anyway, why can't we try try #Akothee, as our president in 2022, atleast she admits her failures and doing something about it.