5 Campus Personalities You Should Avoid

Piece by: Linda Pepper

Every university has its own set of peculiar individuals. For some of you who have your campus days behind you, you were probably the peculiar person. For those in campus, you know these guys. If you do not know them, its probably you. Read on to find out the kinds of people you should avoid in campus.

1.The Weed Guy.

You have probably never seen him sober. He is always smoking one or eating some laced products. He never attends classes and when he does, he is high to the moon and can't even tell what's going on. You can't trust these guys. He'll probably use you for CATs and exams or worse, stick his 'commodities' on you for hiding. And if he is your roommate, you will have strange people knocking on your door at odd times and your room smelling like a weed farm.

2. The Turn Up Girl

Every day is a turn up day for her. If she is your roommate, you see her leaving the room at around 10 in the pm, dressed to advertise wide expanses of flesh and coming back in the early morning hours drunk as a fish. Unless you are team turn up, this is a girl to avoid especially if you hate being woken up at strange hours of the night. It is also likely that a large number of guys will visit your room looking for her.

3. The Born Again Fanatic

The exact opposite of the turn up girl. While ascribing to a religion is not bad, fanaticism can be terrible. Especially if you are trying to force others into joining the same religion. This one will condemn your short or too tight clothes, your relations with the opposite sex and will preach at you every chance they get. It doesn't matter if you told them you are Catholic, they will not relent. And if they have your number, they will keep sending you messages reminding you that you will go to hell.

4. The Know It All.

Every class has one. The student who is convinced he is smarter than all of you and he should be pursuing his masters instead of sitting in class with idiots like you. This one is the one who waits till lunch time is only a minute away so he can have lengthy arguments with the lecturer. He is also the one who asks for an extra sheet of paper when you have only filled half of yours.

5. The Jobless Guy.

It is very likely that this guy is also the weed guy at his free time. He never goes to any class. All his time is spent sitting somewhere strategic in the school eyeing girls and making inappropriate and lewd remarks or sounds. If he is your roommate you are lucky because he is hardly ever in the room. If you are his friend, your reputation is ruined because you become a jobless guy by association.