13th November 2014: These Are The 7 Hottest Stories Everyone Is Talking About

Piece by: Uncle Chim Tuna

Top of what has started off as a dreary morning. If you're on your way to work in a matatu or your own personal chopper, trust that Uncle Chim Tuna has the 7 hottest stories that everyone is talking about which you can check out so you do not get left out of the conversation:

#1. What do you think? Can she gerrit or nah?

#2. I know I am not the only one creeped out by snakes -and reptiles in general

#3. You know we'll always have it first right? That's why you do not need any other site at all!

#4. The career student seems to be doing rather well for himself! You will not believe which German machine he drives!

#5. Kenya's C-in-C

#6. El-Oh-El!

#7. I hope Mejja is in this list! Same goes for Huddah Monroe.